Here are my favorite blog posts from last week that will help you grow your online business and position you as an authority in your market:
Are You Ready for the Content Marketing Separation? Because Here it Comes! – There is a separation point coming in content marketing that will elevate real writers and truly helpful content.
18 Ways to Create Scannable Content for Your Blog – People will decide whether or not to read it based on their initial scan, so you need to learn to write scannable content.
7 Outdated SEO Writing Myths That Will Not Die – Some sites are built on stupid SEO copy strategies. But unfortunately, they are like slow-moving viruses that are making the site “sick.”
12 Winning Strategies to Boost Your Click-Through Rates – Every part of your email has a role to play. Your subject line sells the open. But what you do within your email and how you present your link, is what sells the click.
Social Media Audience: Your Audience Might Not Be Where You Think They Are – Facebook is losing market share and marketing trends are continuously changing, so marketers need to continuously adapt.
10 Magazine Lessons That Will Make You A Better Content Marketer – There are core magazine factors contribute to quality content and can make you a better content marketer.
How to Increase Productivity as a Digital Business Owner – Six simple productivity hacks that can reduce downtime without too much mental angst.
Got a suggestion?
Let me know if you have a great piece of content or came across one I should include in the next roundup.